Lead Upload

How to Upload Leads

Written by Hayden Campbell
Updated over a week ago

Leads can be uploaded directly into Ynot using the "Upload" tool found under "Leads" in the menu section. First, start by prepping the CSV file with the required fields. Certain fields require the appropriate Ynot ID which can be found under "Setup". If your user does not have permission to access the setup section, reach out to Ynot support for further assistance.

The required fields include; first name, last name, phone number, email, location ID, program ID, source ID, and Lead Date. Lead status ID can also be added but is not required.

To access the tool, select "Upload" from the menu.

Drag and drop the CSV file into the Upload section.

Select Manual

Make sure the proper column title is selected from the dropdown. If the CSV title does not match Ynot's, it will not populate correctly and will not be included in the upload.

Once the columns are confirmed, click +Add Leads to upload the file.

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